RADE MY MIND was launched on 5th July 2023. This book of RADE participant’s creative work in 2022 had been kept under wraps for at least a month until its official launch at the OLV Building, Dublin 8.
From the book’s introduction:
“2022 was another busy and creative year for RADE participants and staff. Capturing the creativity of participants’ work in a book only shows half the story but we hope you will get a sense of the energy and productivity amongst these pages”
We were delighted to be joined by many guests for this special occasion which was a celebration of talent and creativity. Participants put together a performance of readings taken from the book for a captivated audience who joined us in applauding the creative work that goes on at RADE. The readings ranged from witty and playful to serious and thought provoking. It was a beautiful but brief interlude in the regular week at RADE and we were grateful to all those who gave up their lunch hour to be with us. A lucky break in the rain meant we could linger outside after the event and enjoy refreshments together.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the occasion both creatively and behind the scenes and to everyone who came to give their support.

Dominique Tuohy