We are Hiring

RADE is taking applications for a Drug and Alcohol Project Worker.

This job is an excellent opportunity for anyone working in the field of addiction who wants to be part of a small, dynamic team in Dublin 8.

RADE believes that creativity is open to everyone and our mission is to engage people wishing to address substance dependency through both the arts and through therapeutic supports.  Our participants are at the heart of the RADE service and the Drug and Alcohol Project Worker will have daily contact with participants and staff. They will help to maintain a strong community that strives to provide a platform for creative expression and progression from addiction.

Design work by participants from IRHEC project 2024

To apply:

Please send covering letter and full curriculum vitae by email to chairperson@rade.ie or by post to: Project Director, RADE, OLV Building, Cathedral View Court, Off New Street, Dublin D08 PW8Y

Closing date: 23rd October 2024 5pm (not 23rd November 2024 as noted on the Job Description)

Interviews: Tuesday 5th November 2024 (and not 6th and 7th as noted on the Job Description)

Please address any queries about the process to info@rade.ie or call 01 4548733

Celebrating 20 years of RADE

On Thursday 26th September 2024 1pm -2pm we are delighted to be hosting a lunchtime panel discussion Art and Impact: Personal, Social, Political to celebrate our IHREC funded project 2024 ‘Create your Rights’ alongside a celebration of 20 years of RADE.

We are thrilled to be joined by esteemed panellists Maria Fleming, Brian Maguire, Robbie O’Connor and chairperson John O’Donnell

This event also showcases the creative work of RADE participants including t-shirts, badges and a booklet of selected artwork and text. We will also celebrate our 2023 book of RADE creative work

Panellists and Chairperson

Maria Fleming

Maria Fleming is CEO of First Fortnight, Ireland’s mental health arts festival. Maria has over 20 years experience working as a general manager, producer, programmer and arts consultant with Ireland’s leading companies and theatre artists, including Dublin Theatre Festival, The Ark, Barabbas, Druid Theatre Company, Hot For Theatre, and Irish Modern Dance Theatre. She is currently Chair of NCFA the National Campaign For the Arts. Maria is passionate about social justice and was involved with Waking The Feminists In Irish Theatre in 2015. In 2017 Maria travelled twice to the island of Chios in Greece to volunteer with refugee support group CESRT. Maria Fleming is a board member of the Irish Cancer Society and works with them as a volunteer Advocacy Champion.

Brian Maguire 

Born in 1951 in Bray, Brian Maguire studied at Dún Laoghaire technical school and then at NCAD, graduating in 1974. Throughout his artistic career, Maguire’s work has emerged from his engagement with people who found themselves marginalized or excluded. The Kerlin Gallery says: “Brian Maguire has approached painting as an act of solidarity. He operates a truly engaged practice, compelled by the raw realities of humanity’s violence against itself, and the potential for justice. Maguire’s pre- occupations draw him to the margins of the art world —alternative space, prisons, women’s shelters, and psychiatric institutions- making shows in traditional gallery and museum spaces something of a rarity.” 

Maguire’s most recent bodies of work directly confront issues of migration, displacement and human dignity in the face of the current global unrest. He works slowly, using photo-graphic sources, searching for that point where illustration ceases and art begins, looking for a single image which tells the whole story”. 

Maguire has shown extensively in Europe and the Americas, most recently at the Museo de Arte de Ciudad Juárez, the Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, the University of Texas at El Paso (September 2019), at the United Nations Headquarters, New York (in 2020), the Rhona Hoffmann Gallery, Chicago (January 2021), and Galerie Christophe Gaillard, Paris. 

A survey of his work in the last 10 years opens on October 3rd 2024 in the Hugh Lane Gallery and runs until 23 March 2025. 

Robbie O’Connor

Robbie O’Connor is a theatre maker from Dublin. He graduated with a B.A (Hons) Degree in Acting from The Lir Academy, Trinity College Dublin in 2015. As a writer he has co-written and contributed to many projects such as Hentown, The Lost O’Casey and REBEL REBEL (ANU). His first solo play GLUE was co-produced by Axis and Rough Magic as part of Dublin Theatre Festival 2021. His second play The Beatitudes is currently in development.

His work as an actor includes: Druid/O’Casey (Druid), Hangmen (Gaiety Theatre / Decadent),The Red Shoes (Gate Theatre), Hammam, Staging the Treaty, Lolling, The Book of Names, The Lost O’Casey, Hentown, PALS, Boys of Foley Street, Laundry & World’s End Lane (ANU), GLUE & Northern Star (Rough Magic / UK tour), REBEL REBEL ( Absolut Fringe Festival / ANU / Fishamble / Show in a bag), Hamlet (Second Age),End of The Road (Fishamble) & All that Fall (Pan Pan). TV & Film includes Cold Case Collins, The Doireann Project & Fair City (RTÉ), Hawks Nest (ANU) TinderFace, (The Lir) All Is By My Side (Element), & Hidden (BBC)

John O’Donnell

John O’Donnell’s work has been published and broadcast widely. Awards include the Irish National Poetry Prize, the Hennessy Awards for Poetry and Fiction, and the RTE Francis McManus Short Story Award. His radio documentary ‘Back To The Rock’ was broadcast on RTE’s Doc on One. A play for radio ‘Rainbow Baby’ was broadcast on RTE Drama on One and won a New York Festival Radio Award.  A Novel Fair 2024 Winner, he has published five poetry collections and one short story collection, Almost The Same Blue (published by Doire Press). A novel ‘Second Skin’ and a new collection of short stories are forthcoming.

This event takes place from 1-2pm at the RADE, OLV Building, Cathedral View Court, Dublin 8, D08 PW8Y. Refreshments included

Forest Bathing

On June 26, 2024 RADE participants went on an outing to Knocksink wood for a day of forest bathing. This Japanese practice of nature immersion, known to reduce stress and improve immune system, offers benefits for mental and physical well-being. Led by Rosalind of Walk of Leaf, this nature walk involved stopping at several points along the trail for nature immersion activities. As a group, we began by practicing mindfulness breathing techniques. Before the walk, participants were asked to find a loose item on the ground to drop into the flowing river as a symbol of letting go, which was a great way to start off the walk.

Along the trail we witnessed tadpoles, butterflies, and the small beautiful details of nature. We engaged in several activities, outlined below:

  • Loose treasure Participants were tasked with finding a loose treasure on the ground which was wonderful way to connect with nature
  • Think, pair, share The group separated into pairs to share with one another about their favourite tree and then we regrouped to share what our partners said, fostering deeper connections
  • Pen and paper exercise Participants were given a blank piece of paper and pen for them to close their eyes and move the pen to the sound of the surrounding noises. This resulted in a unique art piece in the end
  • Sensory focus We paused to focus on our senses, noticing sounds, smells, and sights of the forest
  • Solo time in nature Participants found their own quiet, secluded areas to sit and just ‘be’ in nature
  • Natural art creation Together we crafted a large natural art piece from loose forest items found in our surroundings

At the end of our walk we concluded with a nice picnic where participants emphasized the sense of relaxation and peace they felt from this experience. Many noted their desire to repeat this outing again. As a special touch, local tea and seeds were gifted to participants from Rosalind. Participants enjoyed a sunny and peaceful outing which fostered relaxation, mindfulness, and time to disconnect.

Thank you to all the participants and Rosalind for making this day memorable.

Readings from RADE

On 26th October 2023, RADE hosted a public reading to share the creative writing of RADE participants with the community.

Participants chose and read extracts from the writing that they had created over the course of an eight week long Creative Writing Workshop led by published author, Karl Parkinson. A good number of friends of RADE showed up to enjoy an afternoon of moving and entertaining readings. We are thankful to everyone who shared their writings and appreciate the courage it takes to stand up and share their stories. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this event. We hope to see you and many more of our friends in the future.

Here is a selection of some of the work produced in the workshop


A timeless refrain,

In the halls of power, they play the same game.

Politicians cascade, making promises of gold,

While their bank balances soar, the secrets untold.

But deep in the shadows, I find my abode,

Down on the breadline, where my dreams erode.

Homeless, yet hopeful, in this world’s grim haze,

Lonely, Institutionalized, navigating life’s maze.

Hostels like buses, they come and they go,

I hop on, hop off, with the ebb and flow.

The only change I see, with each passing day,

Is me, my outlook, and the games that I play.

Once I saw only darkness and despair,

A life of drudgery, too heavy to bear.

Not wanting to try, to face my own plight,

Numbing the pain with drugs night by night.

Decades went by, exhaustion’s slow spin,

Till the numbness consumed my soul from within.

But change crept upon me, as slow as the tide,

Taking those baby steps, I could no longer hide.

With each new sunrise, positivity seeps in,

Self-esteem’s building blocks, I let them begin.

Is it possible that I’m worth the fight?

Could there be hope, a future so bright?

For if there’s hope for me, a chance to renew,

Then surely, my country, there’s hope for you too.

In change, we find strength, together we’ll thrive,

My transformation, a testament that we will

The Prison Rave Story (super short) by Jack Hurley ©2023

…And so, what was possibly the weirdest rave I ever attended, took place.

Everyone one on the landing and  many prisoners much further a field that night were havin’ it large; all together, dancing and screaming like banshees, and banging on the doors every time a really good tune came on, but in the solitary of our cells with only a small radio each as a sound system. But twenty prisoners in each landing on a wing with hundreds of prisoners, many of which were high as fuck, all playing the same station at the same time can still kick up quite a racket. The screws would have seen clearly what was happening, but there’s another rule; Once the door is locked, it stays locked, unless there’s an emergency. And half the wing off their tits on speed and hash, dancing like lunatics alone in their cells like they were there, until the early hours, just didn’t breach that threshold.

So we danced and sang and took what life was available from the ether and eventually around 5am the noise quietened, with any late screamers being loudly told what to do by everyone else who was coming down. 7.30am rolled around. I had not slept and was short most of my belongings, having used them as currency to cover the expense of the night before. I was yet again ushered through the reception into a transport. When we got to the courthouse I was placed into a cell with all the others, spitting and smoking and using and waiting. My name was called first. I stood before the judge. He was reading silently from a large folder. This went on for several long minutes in which time The Argument started to shout. I was losing control and my solicitor could see it. He motioned to a screw, who came over to me and whispered kindly, and urgently, “Keep it together, you’re nearly there…”

After a conversation between the public prosecutor, my solicitor and the judge, which they didn’t feel any need to make me part of, the judge simply announced “You can go. Report to probation services sometime within the next forty eight hours” and that was it. I was free.

A Lesson in the Park by William McKenna

He was finally back to his favourite bench in Merrion Square.  His little flying friends were already gathering by his feet, cooing and adjusting for position. 

Well, I’ve been in Liverpool for the past two weeks so you must be starving he thought.  He took a bag of crushed digestive biscuit crumbs from his jacket pocket and began spreading them amongst the eager flock.  Pigeons have no manners, unlike my robin friends, he said lightly to himself.  Peering through the hazy sunshine he could hear voices getting louder in the quiet surroundings.  It was two young boys approaching.  I hope they don’t disturb the birds’ dinnertime he thought. 

“Sorry auld lad, you wouldn’t have a light on ye?”, the slightly taller boy asked.

“No, sorry, I don’t smoke anymore”, the old man replied, “and neither should you two young men.”

“What would ye know auldie?”, the short boy chimed in.

“Well, I just returned from Liverpool after burying my best friend.  The bestest friend I had in my whole life.” 

“Sorry to hear that man”, they both said in unison. 

“He was two years younger than myself, but he was a smoker to the bitter end.” 

“Sounds like he was coolaboola”, the tall one sniggered, now putting the cigarette back in its box.

“If you think that taking over four years to die of lung cancer and being in intensive care for weeks on end is anything got to do with being cool, then go ahead, smoke yourself to death.  I don’t care,” the old man said sternly. 

The biscuit bag was almost empty now as the two boys stood still in silence. “That’s all we had in the end”, continued the old man, “silence.”

“Were youse not talking no more?”, the young one asked timidly. 

“He couldn’t talk no more lads.  He was a great singer back in the day, ye know.  The girls used to go crazy for him, made me mad jealous.” 

“Smoking is good for my voice, he would say.”  The old man now visibly upset. 

“Lads, the cancer had spread to his throat and after the operation he was a left with a hole right here, said the old man pointing to his neck.  Didn’t stop the stubborn eejit from smoking through it though.” 

“Jaysus wha?”  Screamed the tall boy as his friend was already bent over gagging. 

“Not a pretty site I can tell ya boys.  Do yourselves a favour continued the old man, don’t smoke and you will have plenty of years to thank me later.” 

“Yeah, grand, sound, no bother,” said the tall one.  “So, see you around, so.” 

“See ye around fellas and good luck”, the old man said while shaking their hands.  He watched them both leave as they walked then along the gravel path. 

“Right Stevo”, he could hear the tall one say.  “Your Dad’s a bollix.  So we’ll give him these and then get one of them vape yokes like what Sarah smokes.” 

“Yeh, deadly whacker, she’ll be mad into you know.” 

The old man gave out a wee chuckle as the boys voices faded out into the distance.

“You see”, he said looking down at the last remaining pigeon, “Bad habits are just as bad to kick as bad manners.” 

Hands by Mark Gillan

Hands on, hands off, can I give you a hand, I need a hand, can you hand us a tenner please, give the person a big hand. They’re handy with their hands, but there is a time and a place for that. If you’re too handy in the wrong manner, your hands will be placed in cuffs. Handcuffs impede the very reason you have hands, like Malcom McClaren once said, ‘You need hands’, and I tend to agree for the most part.

It’s the people without hands that I most admire.  For whatever reason having no hands, some people have overcome this condition with spectacular results; take Christy Brown for example. I’ve seen some of the most gifted foot or mouth artists create such beauty without any palms or ten digits. Me, I’m incredibly grateful for my pair of hands because by right, I should have only one. That’s why I am also grateful to the surgeon’s hands who saved mine.

So, take the time to reflect how lucky you are and how much you take for granted your hands and picture in everyday life the multitude of uses hands play. Holding, waving, shaking, slapping, pointing, rubbing. If I’m not getting my point across, think about the next time you’re wiping your arse.

To Those We Miss by Noreen Flood

We were a young family coming here from England.  My mother had been told she had breast cancer, as my father had already taken two massive heart attacks. 

We arrived with nothing but a few suitcases mom dad and seven children. 

We were split up.

My older sisters stayed with my mother’s sisters and never moved into our new home in Finglas.  New is a word I wouldn’t use.

We were a very young family losing both parents.  My oldest sister was 21.  Jean looked after us the best she could but she fell pregnant and her partner wanted her to move in with him.

We all moved into town from Finglas as my mom’s family was all we knew.  My sister Jackie was second oldest she was the mother hen of us. Not only to us, to everyone. She was overweight and this was her only downfall.  She would dress us for the holidays the only way she knew, shoplifting. Jackie would have loved Evan’s Shop.  Opened a few years after her death. 

Jackie had an eye for fashion. Even though she couldn’t wear nice little dresses.  She would dress all of us up.  She would show the slim girls the clothes to wear.

I always remember her being called Alison Moyet because she had a big soft heart and loved all and only tried her best for everyone. She never let her size stop her from going to discos. How she loved to dance, and Jackie could move. Jackie would always say we only have each other so don’t let each other down, she was my Hero.

We had our children the same day. And Jackie had her third and me my first. Jackie had her baby two hours later. She is down back in the delivery room with me. She done everything for me and my son.  Even getting her partner to go to Pennrey’s to buy me underwear, etc.

Jackie was a earth angel taken by a drunk driver. She died talking about her three babies aged 3, 2 and 1. How cruel is life. She was so beautiful, yet she made everyone close to her look beautiful. She had a way even with make-up.

God, she didn’t know just how much she was loved because she never believed in any fairytales.

She even seen her death, always saying I won’t see Gemma her three-year-old make her first communion and she didn’t. 

Not a day goes by Jackie that I don’t think of all that you did for us and anyone who needed a good friend. My sister Jackie was the best. Gone, but never forgotten. 

Open Call for an Artist in Residence Now Closed

20th September 2023

Artist in Residence

Socially Engaged Arts Practice at RADE CLG

RADE Recovery through Arts Drama and Education are inviting artists to apply for a new artist residency to be based at RADE’s premises in Dublin 8.  The aim of the residency is to provide an opportunity for an emerging or established artist to embed with a community group through socially engaged arts practice.  By working collaboratively with RADE participants and staff, the AIR will bring professional arts practice into the heart of RADE’s activities. Both the artist and the RADE community will benefit from this collaboration, serving RADE’s vision that ‘creativity is open to everyone’.

This AIR is supported by Dublin City Council’s Neighbourhood Grant.

Who are We? What do we do?

Established in 2004, RADE is an addiction service that runs a daily arts-based recovery service for regular participants in Dublin 8.  Daily activities include yoga and meditation, creative workshops and relapse prevention sessions.  RADE has worked with many professional artists over the years producing numerous films, theatre, dance productions, art exhibitions and other arts-based events with RADE participants.   In this residency, RADE is seeking to broaden the relationship with a professional artist in order to integrate the artist more fully into the RADE community.

What you can expect on this residency:

  • 2 days per week over 12 weeks at RADE (24 days)
  • Group Facilitation Mentorship from Project Arts Centre *see below
  • Creative workshop participation and leadership
  • Daily contact with RADE participants during creative workshops
  • An artist fee of €4,800 to include materials
  • Access to workshop space for individual arts practice each afternoon
  • RADE staff liaison for support and integration
  • Ongoing evaluation and feedback
  • Hot desk and laptop in RADE office with access to administrative resources and materials
  • Option to take part in daily yoga and meditation
  • Gradual introduction into the RADE community to allow for time to learn workshop facilitation skills

* Project Arts Centre have been working in partnership with RADE throughout 2023, through the Project Potential Programme. As part of this offering, Head of Project Potential, Cathy Coughlan, will provide 3 mentoring sessions to the selected artist around community facilitation in this specific context. 

Who Should Apply?

  • Artist of any discipline who is interested in socially engaged arts practice
  • Early career or established artist
  • Artist with ambition to see their arts practice as part of recovery through engagement with the arts
  • Artists who want to be part of a strong community that values personal growth through arts activity
  • Artists with availability on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9am to 5pm from 21st November 2023 to 14th February 2024
  • You must be over 18 years of age and have legal status to work in the Republic of Ireland


In order to apply please send a copy of your CV or a bio (max 500 words) along with an answer to the following questions to the email address below:

How would you describe your practice? (100 words max)

Describe your experience (if any) of working collaboratively with a community? (100 words max)

How would you adapt your approach to meet the varied needs of this community group? (100 words max)

What interests you about working on this project and how will it inform your existing practice? (100 words max)

What interests you about the mentorship and exchange elements of the project? (100 words max)

Please note: applicants are not expected to have a fully formed idea at this stage of the application process, as this will be developed in collaboration with the community. However, we would like to see a clear outline of methodology and approach to working in this context.

Please include: a link (max 3) to an example of your work and/or any social media handles that you want us to see.

You can contact us in writing, by audio or on video. Please send all queries to Karen Pierce at karen@rade.ie.

The deadline for applications is 12pm Friday 13th October

RADE is a registered charity funded by the Department of Social Protection and the HSE through SICDATF (South Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force). 

Applications are now closed.

The Garden Project – Ó Liath go Glas

Ó Liath go Glas, (From Grey to Green) was a new community project emerging from 2022’s Rhizome Green Arts project run by the Project Arts Centre, and which inspired RADE to establish a garden at our inner city premises during the summer of 2023.

This short documentary film beautifully recounts the pride that was taken in this collaborative project and how socially engaged arts practice can benefit communities such as RADE.

Over the course of spring and early summer 2023 the courtyard at RADE was transformed into an urban oasis thanks to the efforts of RADE participants in partnership with artist Louis Haugh through the Project Arts Centre and horticultural instructor Andrew Jordan.

RADE participants worked with Louis and Andrew to design raised beds and an archway connecting two of the raised beds.  Participants then selected which plants they were interested in growing with Andrew. Over the course of the 8 week workshop, the participants have grown vegetables, herbs and flowers from seed and transplanted them into the raised beds.  With support from the CDETB (City Of Dublin Education and Training Board) the project also included an educational element in basic gardening skills with the potential for participants to complete the QQI Level 3 course in Basic Gardening.

In a short period of time the courtyard evolved into an inviting space.  It has become a natural place to spend time outside of workshops and a peaceful spot for quiet reflection. 

The RADE Garden was launched at a celebration on Thursday, the 17th of August 2023. We were delighted to be joined by many RADE friends to help mark this uplifting project.

RADE would like to take this opportunity to thank our partners and funders on the project.  It has been kindly supported by the Project Arts Centre, BAM’s Community Benefit Fund for the new children’s hospital, CDETB and Dublin City Council.

RADE MY MIND Booklet Launch

RADE MY MIND was launched on 5th July 2023. This book of RADE participant’s creative work in 2022 had been kept under wraps for at least a month until its official launch at the OLV Building, Dublin 8.

From the book’s introduction:

“2022 was another busy and creative year for RADE participants and staff. Capturing the creativity of participants’ work in a book only shows half the story but we hope you will get a sense of the energy and productivity amongst these pages”

We were delighted to be joined by many guests for this special occasion which was a celebration of talent and creativity. Participants put together a performance of readings taken from the book for a captivated audience who joined us in applauding the creative work that goes on at RADE. The readings ranged from witty and playful to serious and thought provoking. It was a beautiful but brief interlude in the regular week at RADE and we were grateful to all those who gave up their lunch hour to be with us. A lucky break in the rain meant we could linger outside after the event and enjoy refreshments together.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the occasion both creatively and behind the scenes and to everyone who came to give their support.

Thomas Pepper reads from his work
Performance from our recent play ‘Apartment Block C’
Interim Project Director Gill McCaw, TD Chris Andrews and RADE Chairperson
Dominique Tuohy

Project Arts Centre 7th June 2023

Apartment Block C is a short play created by RADE participants and writer / actor Liam Wilson Smyth. It was presented at the Project Arts Centre, Essex Street, Dublin 2 on June 7th 2023 during a one-day residency. Apartment Block C was devised during a 10 week series of workshops at RADE in which Liam developed a script in collaboration with RADE participants and introduced them to the craft of acting. The play follows a group of apartment residents as they attempt to negotiate their way to claim a lottery winning ticket that has been found in the block. Needless to say, everyone feels sure that the ticket is theirs but not one person has any evidence.

During a post-show feedback session, one RADE participant commented on how they felt as a result of taking part in the process:  

I took drugs to feel confident and looked outside myself to feel good, but through RADE I have found an alternative and have discovered that I am good from the inside.  There are other avenues out there and RADE is one of them.  I can express myself authentically and hold my head high as I walk down the road’.   

RADE was delighted to be invited by the Project Arts Centre to spend this residency day in the Cube theatre, providing participants with an invaluable opportunity to work and perform in a professional theatre space. Cathy Coughlan, Director of Project Potential and her team gave RADE a magnificent welcome. One day in the theatre and we could feel its magic.

With thanks to:

Project Arts Centre

SICDATF – South Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force

RADE’S accordion book project is finished

RADE’S accordion book project is finished! It was a lot of fun mark making and experimenting with materials!

David Stone- In Memoriam

RADE notes the recent passing of film maker, David Stone.

David worked with RADE in 2019 when we were putting together ideas for what would become RADE’s most recent film, ‘The Tapper’s Opera’.

Unfortunately, David had to step away from our collaboration because of his health. All of us at RADE, including former director and founder Mick Egan, extend our condolences to David’s family and friends. We are glad that we got to work, albeit for a limited time, with such a fine person.

The Tapper’s Opera was completed in 2020 and is still available to view here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L__-9OwiEAA

Billboard project 2022

RADERs are about to finish Billboard Project with the help of John Devoy and Dermot Byrne.

Mary Murray’s RADE Visit

Delighted to have a visit from Mary Murray on 19th April 2022. Pictured here with staff after her drama workshop with RADERS.

RELICS 2021 AD: A Ceramics Project by RADERS


RADE is currently recruiting for the position of:

Drug and Alcohol Project Worker

This job is an excellent opportunity for anyone working in the field of addiction who wants to be part of a small, dynamic team in Dublin 8.

Click Here for full job description

To apply:

Please send covering letter and full curriculum vitae by email to chairperson@rade.ie or by post to: Project Director, RADE, OLV Building, Cathedral View Court, Off New Street, Dublin D08 PW8Y

Closing date: 23rd October 2024 5pm

Interviews: 6th and 7th November 2024

Please address any queries about the process to info@rade.ie or call 01 4548733

Community Employment Scheme 

C.E. Trainee Participants : Referral Forms for C.E. Trainee Participants are-

DSP CE Drugs Rehabilitation Place Information Release Consent Form 

DSP CE Drugs Rehabilitation Place Referral Form

C.E Support Worker : Job Specification


C.E Cleaner : Job Specification


If interested, please contact RADE on 01 454 6406 or by email to monika@rade.ie to book an assessment.

Culture Night 2021

This Culture Night RADE will be showcasing projects our artists have worked on over the last year. We’ll be unveiling our mural project ‘Righting on the Wall’ created in collaboration with artist Holly Pereira and funded by IHREC; launching our radio play ‘A Proper Da’, written by Maeve Ingoldsby, and screening our latest film ‘The Tapper’s Opera’ both on-site and online.
Doors will be open from 17:00 to 22:00 for hour-long time slots that can be booked in advance. Walk-ins are allowed so long as there’s space – come along and say hello!
For more information and to book your time slot, please email us at info@rade.ie. Our online content will be accessible on our Vimeo from 17:00 to 22:00 on Culture Night, link below:

Mural Project 2021

Our Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission mural “Righting On the Wall” is now complete, thanks to the work of muralist Holly Pereira in collaboration with our participants, and with the generous support of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission”

Deirdre O’Kane Award for Best Irish short Film

JOINT AWARD: The Man in the Chair – RADE

Natural Artists

Sneak Preview! RADE 2020 Film


Please find the 24 forms Beijing style Tai-Chi music and video to practice daily.


RADE has begun the process of recruitment for CE positions after the COVID-19 emergency:

C.E. Support Worker-

Job Specs C.E. Support Worker

C.E. Participants’-

Referral Forms

DSP CE Drugs Rehabilitation Place Information Release Consent Form 

DSP CE Drugs Rehabilitation Place Referral Form

“If interested, please contact RADE on 01 454 6406 or by email to monika@rade.ie”

ART & DRAMA Volunteers

RADE is currently seeking volunteers with backgrounds in the visual and dramatic arts to assist in facilitating art & drama workshops. This is a chance to engage in exciting group projects and gain experience in group facilitation. Volunteers will be required to undergo Garda clearance and in-house induction prior to commencing. If interested, please contact RADE on 01 454 6406 or by email to cathal@rade.ie

Further showings of RADE’s new films!

The RADE film screenings were a fantastic success on Monday the 23rd at the Irish Film Institute.

Over 200 people attended the launch; a wonderful inter-agency experience of coming together and participation in the arts for everybody.

Since the Launch, RADE has already received several requests regarding further showings.

We are delighted to announce that you can still catch RADE’s 2 new films from 2019 “The Man In the Chair”  and “The Girl In The Window” on the big screen in RADE’s studio space at the OLV Building, every Wednesday at 2:00 pm. (These 2 new films will not go online till November 2020).

We can seat up to 50 people, so booking in advance is essential.


Culture Night at RADE 2019

It’s that time of year again! Culture Night will soon again be upon us on Friday the 20th September 2019, from 4 pm to 9 pm.

RADE will open its door to the public to display a collection of artwork by their participants. Throughout the evening, RADE will screen a series of original short films, starring RADE participants.

RADE’s vision: Creativity is open to everyone

Summer Outing to Glendalough

Summer Outing to The Cavan Centre


 The launch of our new book of art and poetry entitled ‘Raidin’ Writing & Drawing’.


The launch will take place at our premises, The OLV Building, Cathedral View Court, New Street, Dublin 8, at 11:30am on both Tuesday 30th April and Wednesday 1st May. Anne Buckley will formally launch the book on the 30th of April. We will be screening our most recent film ‘Spare Change’, and performing a RADE signature drama piece ‘Get Stoned’, on both dates.

2019 Aontas Star Awards ceremony

The 2019 Aontas Star Awards ceremony took place in the Pillar Room at the Rotunda Hospital on Monday, 4th March. As recipients of a 2018 Star Award, RADE was invited to present awards to this year’s winners in the Social Inclusion category.


Volunteer Opportunities

ART & DRAMA Volunteers

RADE is currently seeking volunteers with backgrounds in the visual and dramatic arts to assist in facilitating art & drama workshops. This is a chance to engage in exciting group projects and gain experience in group facilitation. Volunteers will be required to undergo Garda clearance and in-house induction prior to commencing. If interested, please contact RADE on 01 454 6406 or by email to cathal@rade.ie


“SWIFT FEST”- Film Screening

Nov 29th, Thursday, 6 PM – 9 PM

Irish Light vs Tony + Spare Change screening

Location: Kevin Street Library

Minister Catherine Byrne’s Visit to RADE Art Exhibition

Catherine Byrne, Minister of State for Health Promotion is coming to view RADE’s Art Exhibition on Monday, 19th November  2018 at 1:30 pm.

RADE annual art exhibition Launch

RADE would like to cordially invite you to the opening of our latest art exhibition in the OLV Building at 1:00 pm on Monday 5th November.

This exhibition is called One Wish”  and will feature the first showing of our fantastic new sculpture from 6000-year-old bog oak called “Moving Family”.  There will also be many of the sculptures created under the supervision of Eoghan O’Neill RIP, through the RADE years.

Contemporary Paintings and drawings from our current programme participants will also be on show.

This will be a first production that will include inter agency participants and participants working with RADE through the new HSE initiative.



Art Exhibition at Kevin Street Library

Start Date: Monday, 22nd Oct

End Date: End of November


RADE annual art exhibition Launch

Start Date: 5th November 2018

Start Time: 1 PM

Location: RADE, OLV Building, Cathedral View Court, Dublin 8



BOOK CLUB at RADE Every Thursday at 2:15 pm

Facilitated by Sean Kelly

If you would like to expand your knowledge and broaden your mind on a number of different topics, drop by at 2:15 pm Thursday to be part of the new RADE Book Club. In our new Book Club, we will join together to read a book and then discuss it. Just give it a chance! You’ll really benefit from it and we know you’ll enjoy it…

We’d love to see you there!


FILM CLUB at RADE, EVERY MONDAY 2:30pm – 5:00pm,

Facilitated by David Sullivan

The Film Club at RADE gives the opportunity to participants to stay after the Day Programme to enjoy and discuss a film chosen by the group.

The first Film Club took place on the 1st of October 2018 with the screening of “Dog Day Afternoon“, starring Al Pacino and John Cazale.


RADE’s 2017 Film- Irish Light Vs Tony

“Irish Light Vs Tony” is now available to watch on RADE’s  Playback Year 2017.

Current Workshops From August 2018- December 2018


  • Creative Writing with Karl Parkinson (August)

  • Comic Book with Elida Maiques (September)

  • Art Exhibition from  15th Oct – 26th Oct

  • 100 Years Ago show in RADE (Nov-Dec)


“SWIFT FEST”-  (Film Screening)

Place: Kevin Street Library

Date: 29th NOVEMBER 

Time- 18:30 Hours

RADE 2018

RADE is currently working with Karl Parkinson, a creative writing Trainer.

RADE will start working with Elida Maiques, a cartoon artist in September 2018. The RADE participants will work on Mondays and Tuesdays (September,October, and November) towards the production of a Graphic Novel. If things go as planned we hope to have the launch of the book in January 2019. Watch this space!

Information about Elida can be found here http://irishcomics.wikia.com/wiki/Elida_Maiques



RADE will be screening our new film in the main cinema IFI in Temple Bar at 12.00pm on Wednesday 13th June. This screening is for Service Users and we welcome all the other projects to join us for another ‘cracker’ from the RADE team, probably their funniest offering yet. A great opportunity for the service users to meet up and a powerful demonstration of the social contribution, that can be made by people in recovery. Please contact RADE by email info@rade.ie or 014548733 and let us know how many people you wish to bring. Book early there are only 258 seats and they’re being snapped up fast.

This short film is an absurd comedy about the desperate state of Ireland’s housing crisis. From unscrupulous landlords to the ‘invisible homeless’ and politicians reverting to Victorian attitudes, there’s never been a worse time to be without a roof over your head.

‘Spare Change’ was developed from the true-life tales of the RADE participants and their first-hand accounts of the current housing crisis.


RADE will also screen their highly acclaimed hilarious film from 2017 “Irish Light V’s Tony”

Date for your Diary!

RADE’s new film Spare Change will be launched in St. Patrick’s Cathedral.   8.00pm 1st May.

More details to follow!  This will be a ticketed event.

This is a follow up film from RADE’s hilarious Irish Light V’s Tony the same writer and director Rodney Lee.
Spare change is another satirical take by RADE, this time on the housing crises in Dublin and it packs as strong a punch as ever from RADE.
Once again the cast is made up from the current RADE participants who deliver sterling performances all round.
Trevor Knight has again provided an exciting and original music score.



ART EXHIBITION – St. Patrick’s Cathedral – 20 March 2018

To mark the first years Anniversary at the loss of our dear friend and long-time art trainer, Eoghan O’Neill, we are sending this shout out to all ex-RADERs and all the services that have known Eoghan. St. Patrick’s Cathedral will host an exhibition of wood carvings from the RADE students going back to 2005. The exhibition of wood sculpture will run in the Cathedral for two weeks from 20th March.

Ex-RADERs get in touch as soon as possible if you have a sculpture at home you would like re-exhibit

RADE’s hilarious hit film Irish Light V’s Tony on the big screen: The Five Lamps Festival!

A great chance to see RADE’s hilarious hit film Irish Light V’s Tony on the big screen: The Five Lamps Festival!
Friday 9 March at 4.45pm

One man’s struggle through a bureaucratic nightmare as he fights for his right to natural light. Tony is being charged by a new semi-state body, ‘Irish Light’, for access to the sun. When he refuses to pay, workmen board up his windows. But Tony won’t take this lying down. He marches to the headquarters and navigates his way through a madhouse of delusional propaganda, rampant capitalism and sheer insanity to get an exemption.

RADE Production.

09/03 4.45pm (Duration 22 mins) 5€
Odeon Cinema Point Village (Point Village, North Dock, Dublin 1)

New Film “Any Spare Change”

RADE started shooting a new film “Any Spare Change” this week, 29 January 2018.


Writer Rodney Lee is back, directing his new script about homelessness.  Also working with the RADE participants in the development and production have been Adrienne Greenhalgh , Emma Wall, Nelli Conroy and Jodi Jones  (1st Assist Director). Jodi will also be making a cameo appearance.  RADE has been delighted to welcome back Gary Boyd and Tomas Donaghty on camera, lights and sound for the production.  Filming has been going well and  the final product is expected to be every bit as good as the  very well received “Irish Life vs Tony.”

The new film is the result of ten weeks collaboration and improvisation with Rodney Lee and the RADE Participants.  The workshops and script development was funded through the CREATE Artist In The Community Scheme. A huge thanks also goes to the Simon Community and St. Patrick’s Cathedral for their support with the film production.

The first screening  will take place on May 1 in  St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

Rapping Rade

Rade participants are currently enjoying rapping classes on a Wednesday.    John Cummins, rapper is working with participants on the fine art of rapping.  The end product will be a CD that will include the participants own creations.

Rapping (or rhyming, spitting, emceeing, MCing is a musical form of vocal delivery that incorporates “rhyme, rhythmic speech, and street vernacular”,  which is performed or chanted in a variety of ways, usually over a backbeat or musical accompaniment.

New Grant – New Film

Breaking News!

Rade in collaboration with writer Rodney Lee was awarded a grant from CREATE.  The Artist in the Community Grant gives Rodney the opportunity to write another script and work with RADE participants to produce a film next year. This follows on the huge success of  “Irish Light vs Tony”   that was produced in 2017.  Acting workshops are to begin in November 2017 and shooting will be in January. Very exciting times for RADE.

Quotes about “Irish Light vs Tony”

It is fabulously written. Clever, incisive, political, it is on the money. It reminded me of Monty Python with its wonderful attack on bureaucracy and capitalism. The concept of paying for the light is superb……. Brilliant………. And it works because it takes it seriously and never descends into silliness.  The production is excellent and all aspects of film making are there, realised at the highest level.   

Peter Sheridan

Irish Light vs. Tony; all the actors in it are from the programme.  It’s a parody and comical satire on the government’s Irish Water fiasco, and on modern-day bureaucracy, that endless torture of form-filling and departments and managers, and overseers, and the wrong office, and the wrong building.

Karl Parkenson

RADE in the News

KARL PARKINSON recently completed a series of creative writing workshops with participants here in RADE.

There was great feedback from the tutor and all participants. We hope to include some of the stories written by participants in the comic book to be launched next year.
Karl recently had an article published about his experience in RADE.

Please READ the article as we would like to share RADE’s stories.

New Comic Book coming soon!

RADE is currently working with Elida Maiques, a cartoon artist. The RADE participants are working on Mondays and Tuesdays (September/October) towards the production of a Comic Book. If things go as planned we hope to have the launch of the book in February 2018.  Watch this space!

More about our wonderful tutor Elida HERE

Click here for an example of the work we are doing in the Cartoon Workshops


Our latest film, a HUGE success!

Introduction Note for film debut

‘Irish Light V’s Tony’ by Rodney Lee,  The Irish Film Institute,  Friday 12th May 2017.

Thank you all for coming today and joining us for the launch of our film.  We are especially pleased to welcome the Minister Catherine Byrne here today.   We are bursting with pride about our latest production. I also want to welcome Cllr. Dermot Lacey.
RADE owes such an enormous debt of gratitude to the many artists that have provided such good will towards our project over the years.  Many of whom are here today and we also wish you a warm welcome.  ‘Irish Light Vs. Tony’ is about one man’s struggle and any resemblance to actual semi-state bodies such as, ‘Irish Water’ is absolutely 100% purely coincidental!

Regardless of what anyone’s feelings are about water charges, I think the most powerful message that comes with this film is that it now exists.  It has given a voiceless people a platform and an opportunity to contribute to the social community.

The first time I worked with drug users was almost 30 years ago, in the early 1990s, making theater with the clients of MQI. It was an amazing awakening: Engaging people with drama and performance worked as a temporary distraction and an attractive focus for people whose lives were compromised with issues of addiction.
RADE has developed out of that time. We do theater plays, but we also do art exhibitions, publish books, Comics, Music CD’s, Films, Dance, Radio, Opera, musicals, and it still works:   The project provides a window of opportunity to escape the snares and traps of every day drug using.   The proof is in the pudding.   And we are going to taste some of the pudding today.    The period in the 90’s that we grew out of was a different time. FAS was the boss. And we were a CE scheme, I think we were the very first of, what was called ‘Special CE Schemes”. Later the first drugs Minister, Eoin Ryan, who is also here today, Eoin ring fenced 1000 places for drug recovery projects. In those days there was scope and room for invention. Times change and they say you have to move with the changes. Well we try. We’re with a new department now, the Department of Social Protection. And I think we’re like round plugs in square holes. We’re water and oil. We don’t fit. The original idea had been to get CE to adapt and fit the needs of recovery services. Now the emphasis is all about how to get drug services to meet the needs of CE and fit into a mainstream framework of ‘work activation programmes’.
We are particularly grateful to our DSP Officers, Adedolapo Odukoya, Tony Hayden and Monica Alonso, helping us through our recent difficulties and our huge loss, due to the untimely death of our friend and colleague Eoghan O’Neill. I want to publicly thank them for their invaluable goodwill. However I understand that their hands are tied and that they are confined to working within the policies and structure of their department. It’s not their responsibility that drug services don’t fit the boxes.
This current scenario is causing a crushing and unnecessary strain and difficulty for everyone. And if there is one ask we have Minister, it is to ask you to use whatever influence you can at the cabinet table, to affect some change in this regard that is impacting on all of the frontline services.
Now, back to the film and what today is really about: The first time I heard the RADE group reading the screenplay for this film, the script crackled to life immediately and the participants made it their own. And as usual everything went wrong that could go wrong: seriously wrong, our strongest actor, Andrew Talbot died tragically a week before we were about to shoot. Two other of our participants, had learnt their lines, but they got seriously ill and were also out of the picture. But we kept going forward and with the cool heads of our writer/ director, crew and participants, we made it. The composer and member of Aosdana, Trever Knight came on board and put a classy music score together for us. Rodney Lee, our writer/director, practiced pure magic in the editing room and Sine Lynch attended to all the production detail. Sine gets my Oscar, for keeping the head and delivering this film, with all of the extra work that smothered our project, when we had so sadly and suddenly lost our key colleague Eoghan O’Neill. And Sine, eight months pregnant too.
I want to pay tribute to all of the RADE staff: To our Rehab coordinator Averyl Swords, and the keyworkers working with Averyl: Lucy Cullen and Monica Rampal. Also thanks to our visiting Councillors, Tom O’Connor, Hannah Kelleher and Pat Kennedy. The work of our rehab team is at the core of what RADE is about: to help people who are struggling to make progress in their lives.
We are very grateful to our voluntary Board of Directors, who have been so generous and giving of their time, care and attention to the project. I want to also single out Teresa Weafer for coming to our assistance and finding a pathway through our recent difficulties recruiting a replacement Supervisor.
We owe a considerable debt of gratitude to the City Council, our landlords in the OLV building, and we particularly recognise and thank Brendan Kenny, Assistant Chief Executive, for his support.
I want to welcome Chantelle Maritz, who is taking over for Sine, on maternity leave and our new support worker, John Gavin who joined us last week. Also I want to welcome our new programme Participants and let them know that next year we’re going to be doing it all again.
Finally I want to mention again the 2 people that passed away in the last two months. We are still reeling from the shock and loss. RADE participant Andrew Talbot, who had so much talent and promise and Eoghan O’Neill who designed the film set and guided Ray Doyle and Steven Cumerford through the building of the set. Eoghan had given so much over his 12 years with us to make RADE the colourful and exciting project that we are so proud of today.

Michael Egan (Programme Director of RADE)

Eoghan O’ Neill RIP

Our dear friend and long time staff member Eoghan O’Neill, has died (suddenly) on Thursday last 16th March.

We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Eoghan’s family for their great loss.   We will always remember Eoghan for his humanity, kindness and who gave in abundance to everyone that knew him. Details of funeral arrangements 3:00PM Thursday 23rd March in Mount Jerome Cemetery.

Let Me Tell You

A collection of comic stories from 2017

Participants worked with comic creator Elida Maiques who facilitated workshops to produce the graphic novel Let Me Tell You. RADERS are determined to heal and make positive changes in their lives. Clink on the picture to see their work.

European Best Practice

in outreach educational counselling and


low-threshold learning opportunities for disadvantaged learners profiled RADE among other European projects in a recent study.

Annual Report 2016/2017

An exploration of a year of recovery, art, drama and education

RADE Annual Report 2016-2017

The annual report highlights the work undertaken by both the rehab and training team, creative departments and particpants in RADE. RADERS were busy celebrating our nation’s centenary throughout the year and presented their work in many formats, from a graphic novel to canvas paintings to sculptures to stage productions throughout the year.